Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My new nurse is named Maya. She is a mother of twin boys and is from Russia. She and her family moved to the US from Moscow in 1992.

I spent the summer in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1997. Although it's been 15 years since I ate the heavy pumpernickel bread or cheese stuffed blinis, I recall much about my time there. I remember the White Nights Festival when everyone in St. Petersburg took to the streets to celebrate the never-ending day. I love the humble people who welcomed us into their homes to serve us borscht or tea, pouring their offering to us in reused styrofoam cups. I especially enjoyed the history I gleaned while visiting the summer and winter palaces.

My first year of college was a tough transition. I immersed myself in Russian literature and historical books (my friends referred to the Russian professor as my boyfriend since I seemed to follow him every where. They also mocked my thick tome titled "The Last Tsar.") I honestly thought about leaving college after my first semester and returning to Russia as a missionary.

In 1997 I could not have predicted how my experiences and interests would create a bridge of friendship with a complete stranger in 2012. Prior to our Russian conversation, Maya was an efficient nurse who inquired about my aches and pains. But now she is eager to talk to me about my time in Russia using the few Russian phrases I recall. And she listens when I share that this pregnancy's success and the healthy babies can be attributed only to God and his provision.

I'm hoping for more conversations with Maya and more chances to cross the cultural bridge in order to share about God's love for her. Perhaps, just maybe, God has a reason for me being here in the hospital at this time under the care of a nurse from a country I once visited and for which I have a deep love.

It's 4 am, no one in the place but me and Ambien

I've never taken Ambien and I gotta say it worked well ... for about 5 hrs. But then it wore off and my aches started in again, along with some mild contractions. That's alright. If the Tylenol the nurse just gave me doesn't kick in, they'll start monitoring me for contractions.

So here's the low-down from yesterday.

- Went to perinatologist for 34 wk check up
- Babies are doing GREAT! McKenna and Josiah are in the 60ish percentile for weight, and Ryleigh is right on target. All 3 babies are active and are visibly practicing breathing.
- I'm doing great since I still have no swelling and really have gained just over 50 lbs. I think I gained more weight when I was pregnant just with Addie

Right before we left the office, though, the dr ordered a blood pressure test. The numbers came back slightly elevated, so she ordered as 2nd test plus a urine test. The 2nd test presented even high blood pressure numbers and the urine revealed 2+ levels of protein. At that point, she thought it best for me to check into hospital for 24 hrs blood pressure/urine monitoring. This will end in 1 of 3 results:
1. dr decides numbers are in normal range and I'll be sent home on full bed rest (hahahaha!)
2. dr decided numbers are elevated just enough to warrant keeping me here until they deliver, which could be a few days to a week.
3. dr decides it's best not to risk it and just deliver tomorrow (or today, rather)

I don't think #3 will be the first choice since I seem to be doing so well but I'm not a dr.

The funny thing in all of this is that I (and by connection, God) have become quite the spectacle around here. The nurses and techs who have seen me marvel about how great I look and my happy outlook. In fact, I've been called "cute" by several of the staff. They really are surprised that at 34 weeks I do not have typical symptoms like swelling, or that I'm under 200 lbs, or that I've not been on bedrest at all during this pregnancy. And whenever they come in to my room, whether it's at midnight or 4 am, I am chipper and pleasant.

I hope in all this that the staff gets to hear our story of how God has carried us through every obstacle and has met every need.

I also hope to see my baby girl today. She had her first day of preschool yesterday and I'm so so sad that I missed that milestone. And I hope the meds kick in so I can snooze just a wee bit longer.