Mike laughs about my drive to create lists but here are two lists currently rotating in my brain:
Top 4 Job Options for us in Ireland
1. I finish the books I've started and get published, become independently wealthy and move wherever we want.
2. Mike becomes an independent IT consultant who can work remotely from wherever he wants
3. We start a company based in Ireland doing .....?
4. Mike perfects his banjo playing and dancing, auditions for a Galway-based band, and we strike gold
And Top 5 Reasons we Belong in Ireland
1. I like tea better than coffee
2. We can speak Irish (ie: top of the morning, they're always after me lucky charms, aye)
3. Mike already likes Irish sports better than American sports
4. I could listen to Celtic Woman and Celtic Crossroads all day long, and I know the lyrics to "Galway Girl"
5. We have seen Ireland in calendars
Ok, so these are in jest but the real reasons aren't nearly as entertaining. Honestly, there's just something about the culture and people that pulls at my heart. And even though I've never been, Ireland already feels like home.