Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And, and, and ...

We're pregnant! Oh, dear heavens, can it be real? I'm still whirling with the news. Right now we just know it's a positive. I'll go back to the doctor on Friday to recheck the numbers to make sure the HCg is doubling like it should. One nurse said our due date would be Oct. 4, but that seems awfully early. Guess we'll find out at our ultrasound in February.

For now, I'm just going to savor the moment.


William, Megan and Avery said...

oh my goodness! i can't help but smile!! congrats and good luck! :)

Dennis and Danielle said...

Oh my goodness, guys - I almost cried when I heard from your call... my heart was beating SO FAST! I just felt like jumping up and down in excitement! We are SO happy - looking forward to meeting your lil' one(s).
Let us know how we can be of help in the months to come :)

Mentanna said...

uhmmmm yea! super duper yea!

Sarah said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations :-).

Shannon said...

Oh, yes, yes, yes!!!! Congratulations to you both. What a miracle!!! Praise God!!! Please keep posting how you are doing. I will be praying for a heatlthy first trimester and pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! We are so glad to hear this! Congrats!

Deanna said...

Wonderful news!!!