Friday, May 01, 2009

Long awaited update

We're heading to Florida today for a week-long vacation with the 'rents. I haven't seen them since Christmas, so I'm definitely looking forward to it. Oh, and seeing the ocean ain't half bad either!

Earlier this week I started panicking, though, because I was having nosebleeds twice a day (sorry for the ick factor) and random cramping in my lower left ab area. Turns out both symptoms are normal, but I'm still glad my doctor didn't laugh at me when I showed up Tuesday all in a twitter about what was going on. She even did an ultrasound to put my mind at ease. Yeah, that was another concern. At 17 weeks I still hadn't felt Baby Conner move and one of my books said I should have. Books are stupid! My dr said I won't feel Baby Conner until closer to 20 weeks, especially since he/she is my first.

Speaking of he/she - we have a monthly check up on May 14th and I'm hoping to know then whether we should buy pink or blue. And, we'll have another appointment with the perinatologist later in May, so if we don't know the baby's gender on May 14th then we should certainly know by the end of the month. ... assuming baby Conner cooperates!


Dennis and Danielle said...
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Dennis and Danielle said...

very nice - have a nice vacation!

Shannon said...

Yeah, I thought MAYBE I felt Callum at 16-17 weeks some times in the middle of the night, but I did not really feel much for sure until 19-20 weeks and even then it was not all the time. By 25 weeks, I could see him kicking from the outside--too cool. It is so amazing to feel the baby move...just a few more weeks and you'll be feeling that baby.