Saturday, June 09, 2012

If only...

If only it was one less baby ...
If only I was stronger ...
If only my family wasn't so far away ...

then maybe we wouldn't be thinking of moving
then maybe I wouldn't continually hear "I hope this isn't a bad decision"
then maybe I wouldn't be disappointing so many people

If only the story was different then maybe I wouldn't be the villain


Catie Cutshaw said...

listen to me woman, you are not a villain, you are a mother, trying to do what is right for her family. I will support you in any decision you make. I love you!

luvnlifenfla said...

Villlain - bad character, scoundrel, baddie, rogue, desperado, nasty piece of work - none of those are apart of your characteristics. You are just trying to be realistic about the logistics of what is about to happen in your family. Praying for wisdom and confirmation.