Saturday, May 26, 2012

Closet Sex Addict

About 6 weeks ago I suffered a minor hemorrhage that turned out to be completely normal. Since that time, however, my normal ob has forbidden me to have sex. Which turns out to be harder than I initially would have thought.

So a few weeks ago, I swallowed my pride and called my doctor's office. You can not imagine my mortification as I asked, "Umm, when she said no sex, did she mean no anything or just no sex?" Thankfully the nurse on call graciously answered my question and urged me to wait until I saw the perinatologist to get his opinion.

Which led to my second sex conversation in three weeks when I asked Dr. C., "Am I allowed to have sex?"

Seriously, I'm starting to feel like a closet sex addict. I wonder if the nurse and Dr. C. left the room and giggled about how this sex-craved pregnant woman keeps inquiring about whether she can have sex, and what exactly is meant by sex.

I won't go into details regarding Dr. C's response, but suffice it to say he is now one of Mike's favorite doctors :)

1 comment:

Catie Cutshaw said...

woohoo go doctor C! Glad you're able to enjoy errr...being a woman?!