Saturday, January 17, 2009

Today I am ...

- resting and thankful for a successful frozen embryo transplant (FET) this morning

- glad that the doctor showed us how to do the progesterone injections correctly. Turns out my nurse had told Mike the wrong location for the injections, and he's been sticking me near or on a nerve. No wonder they hurt so bad!

- am praying for the 2 wee embryos in me and am excited to think of the future


William, Megan and Avery said...

Oh my gosh, Brit! I am so excited for you guys!

Can't wait to hear how it goes! :)


Anonymous said...

i know this will be the longest two weeks of your life. can't wait to hear the good news soon!!!

Shannon said...

Hoping your 2 week wait flies by and praying,praying, praying for a positive pregnancy test! After trying to get pregnant for so long...I thought surely I would know the difference and feel it right away if it ever happened...nope I didn't really from the way I felt/symptoms so much. And women have such different experience anyway even from one pregnancy to the next. Also factor in the drugs you are getting... My advice would also be to limit internet time reading about others experiences. I bet you have done a lot of that already. Relax and do some fun stuff with your hubby. From what I have always been told, it is in the Lord's hands now (as if it wasn't!!)--I mean if you are just sensible (no running of marathons) you can't hurt the little ones if they decide to get settled in for 9 months.

Praying for you to be satisfied in Him no matter what the results--which is MUCH harder said than done ( was for me anyway!). Praying for those little curly headed embies to grow, grow, grow!

dennisanddanielle said...

What exciting news :)

Anonymous said...

We are going to be on edge until we hear... We're praying! Be encouraged in Christ and know that you have loved ones who will be just as excited as you are when God blesses you with a little one!

Anonymous said...

That last anonymous was ME! Sorry about that!!

Love you!!!! - Kimberly